Friday, May 19, 2017


Steps to Create XML/BI Publisher

1.Connect to Oracle Reports build a Query Manually and Connect to Apps
2.Next save the file in the .rdf format
3. FTP  the file /apps/aptest/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/po/12.0.0/reports/US
4.register in Oracle as Oracle reports under purchasing application depending upon the folder setup.
5.then assign it to concurrent program request group Responsibility and run through SRS window once it is complted normal XML tags are created in Output file.
6. Then save the page as .XML format and Save it.
7. Then Load the XML data toMSWord through Add ins and load XML data.
8. Then next insert all fields and validate them and you recieve message no error found
9. Then next save the file as .rtf format and register them in Oracle XML System administrator got to data definition and create a new data definition and with code as Concurrent Program Short name and Once created.
10. Now we need to create the Template for it Create template and fill all the details and add the data definition created intially to the template.
11.Next Browse and attach the .rtf file that has been created through the MS word.
12.And apply now you get AS template Successfully Created.
13.Now Again the run Concurrent Job through SRS window.
14. If some times if it doesnot provide the output, Then attach the XML Publisher report request set in Request Group and run the Concurrent Program through the XMLPublisher report.
15. Then you find the Output in the Outputfile..


Make Sure always the Parameter Passed to the report Should have the Same Name as Token name in the Concurrent Program

Select a.empno,a.ename,a.job,a.sal,b.deptno from Emp a,Dept b where

and  b.deptno=:DNO

Rest of the Process as Usaual.....


1.)First and Foremost Connect to report builder, Then Create 2 select statements and Create Q1 and Q2,
2.) Inorder to pass the parameter add a User parameter with a datatype and LOV.
3.) Then next select a formula Column in order to return a Parameter that has been Passed, we generally create a formula Column So that, a tag is created for the parameter , SO that that Tag Can be used in the rtf file in future for IF Condition.
4.) Then once (.rdf) file is created then follow the USual Process and and Run through the SRS window Once the Output is generated then  save the Output file as .XML and then in MS Word ==>Load XML data===>follow the below diagrams Once then rtf fiole Successfully generated then we can register in Oracle Apps through XML publisher Administrator and define the Data definition and Create the template Once the template is Created, Run the Program from SRS window by Passing the Parameters and then next run the Supporting Proge=am Called XML Report Publisher then we are good to go :)


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